Powdered Flesh, 8x15, oil, 1973 Powdered Flesh, 8x15, oil, 1973 Mu, 13x26, oil, 1973
Incarnation, 10x18, oil, 1985 Baptism, 10x18, oil, 1986 Sons of Gods and Daughters on Men, 10x18, oil, 1986-87
Homage to Our Lady, 10x18, oil, 1998 Death | Suicide, 10x9, oil, 1986 Trinity, 10x18, oil, 1989
Neena's Pond, 7x18, oil, 1987 GOA, 54inx64in, oil, 2001 Los Gatos, 5x6, oil, 2001
Amherst I, 4x5, oil, 2001 Amherst II, 4x5, oil, 2001 Giverny, 7x9, oil, 2002
Reflections of a Butterfly, 6x8, oil, 2001 Paradise, oil, 2002  
Copyright © 2002 Michael Osbaldeston
All rights reserved.